So, what has happened in 16 years? Maybe it would be easier to say what hasn't happened. Here are just a few things that have happened. We have. . .
- had three kids.
- moved 7 times, all in the first 7 years.
- traveled 1,909 miles, 4 days, in a U haul, with a 6 month-old, and a sedated cat, from Orem, UT to Pittsburgh, PA, stayed 6 months, then turned around and traveled 1,909 miles, 4 days, in a U haul, with a 1 year-old, and a sedated cat from Pittsburgh, PA to Orem, UT.
- been to California at least 6 times.
- (Peter has) worked for 6 different accounting firms.
- bought a house.
- had to declare bankruptcy once.
- amazingly enough, neither one of us has been kicked out of the house after an argument.
- just since Danny's been born, we've had to call poison control 5 times (fortunately, it's never been serious!)
- owned three cars, only one has been new.
- I have had major hip surgery, knee surgery, and been on crutches for, cumulatively, over a year of our married lives together.
- had the following pets: rats, fish, turtles, frogs, lizards, mice, parakeets, and so many cats that I can't even count. Right now we have two cats. (I have to admit that the pets are all my fault - well, some of them have been Heather's fault.)
- had countless computers and, but I don't think we've ever bought a brand new one.
- for the first 2 1/2 years of our marriage we didn't have a T.V.
- managed to stay out of debt for the past 7 years (excluding our mortgage.)

With all that said, this post is dedicated to Peter - Happy Anniversary, Honey! Even though it seems like we're going through the "poorer, sickness, worse" part of our marriage lately, Happy Anniversary!
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